I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart as my Lord and Savior when I was very young. Now retired, I perceived my career then and now as a calling. As Chief, Voluntary Service and Chaplain Service, my primary responsibilities were to manage volunteers who loved to be there to help make a veteran’s day a better one while they visited the VA Medical Center for health care. I received and managed donations, monetary and other. I was put in charge of the Chaplain Program that had fallen by the wayside. Consequently, I hired and supervised two full time chaplains and several contract chaplains for off duty hours. God was there to guide me throughout these endeavors. I am thankful for Christ ‘s love and today I still pray each day for His guidance that provides me with what I need to meet the challenges of the day. I am grateful for all opportunities to serve Him.
Elder - Worship
Paul Combs
Elder - Adult Discipleship - Prayer E-Chain
Dottie Barrons