6858 N. Glenwood St.
Garden City, ID 10036

Our office hours are 10:00-2:30. Please contact the office at 208-391-4682 or office@christpresboise.org if you’d like to schedule a meeting with Pastor Douglas.

Pastor Douglas Kortyna: doug@christpresboise.org

Music/Outreach Director Michael Meadows: michael@christpresboise.org

Administrative Assistant: office@christpresboise.org

Christ Presbyterian Church (Sunday morning worship service)
Address: 6858 N Glenwood, Garden City, ID 83714, located at the southeast corner of Glenwood and State St (map)
Service time: Sunday mornings at 10:00am

MINISTRY CENTER (Meeting space, sanctuary, and staff offices)
Address: 6858 N Glenwood St, Garden City, ID 83714
Phone: (208) 391-4682

Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/christpresboise.

Sign up for monthly email newsletters and occasional announcements here.

Web site: christpresboise.org

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