

Jesus told us to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe God is building his kingdom right here and around the world. We partner with local and global missions to serve God’s people and his kingdom.

Local Partners:

Boise Rescue Mission Ministries https://boiserm.org/

Stanton Healthcare https://stantonhealthcare.org/

Child Evangelism Fellowship of Idaho (CEF) https://cefofidaho.com/

Global Partners:

EPC World Outreach              https://www.epcwo.org/

Samaritan’s Purse                   https://samaritanspurse.org/

Union Foundation – Newton House   https://newtonhouse.ust.ac.uk/

The Gideons                           https://www.gideons.org/

Pioneers                                  https://pioneers.org/

TEAM                                     https://www.team.org/

MAF                                       https://maf.org/

World Missions Today           <https://worldmissionstoday.net/>

Laszlo Mission League           <https://www.laszlomissionleague.com/>


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