
Douglas Kortyna

Michael Meadows

Admin Assistant
Irina Pavlov


As a Presbyterian church, the entire life of the local church is under the oversight and supervision of the Session. The Session is made up of Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders. Ruling Elders are elected by the congregation to serve on the Session for three-year terms. The role of the session is outlined in greater detail in chapter eighteen of the EPC Book of Government.

Our Session

Pastor Douglas Kortyna (Moderator)

Alex Combs

Bret Dodd

Dottie Barrons

Jim Perkins

Paul Combs

Sharon Clark


The office of Deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, concern for needs, and of serving others. Therefore, the first duty of the Deacon is sympathy and service. Historically, to this office has been given the duty of being the Church’s instrument for the ministry of compassion (EPC BOG 9–12).

Our Deacon Board

Karen Belleman (Moderator)

Alynne Eames

Claudia Kappel

Dennis Froeming

Greg Rutherford

Sara Kortyna


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